Monday, July 13, 2009

A Little Bird Distracted Me

A gorgeous day yesterday and even though I usually stay inside to study when it’s nice out, I decided to go outside to the picnic table.

Why, you might ask, would I choose to stay inside when I can go out on my patio? Because I get too distracted.

Case in point:

Yesterday, the next-door neighbour found a parakeet in the tree next to her balcony. When she went outside to see it, it flew onto her and climbed onto her head. She called down to me and another neighbour, who was washing his car, to ask if we knew who the owner might be. Nope. The bird then flew onto the balcony of my upstairs neighbour and when it saw me it dove right down onto the chair I was sitting on. Then it hopped onto my hand. Well, I couldn’t continue typing with a bird on my hand, could I?

When she (it looked like a girl bird, so let’s go with “she”) saw its reflection in my computer screen, she was here to stay. She even pooped on my “I” key!

(Notice the "Gerard Manley Hopkins" book...Good intentions!)

She passed at least an hour with me. My neighbour and I gave her water and the top of a hamburger bun to eat. She was so friendly, she even gave me kisses! I realized that I was talking to her as though she could understand me, asking her about her owners, her home, and reassuring her that we would take care of her until we got her home.

I finally realized I needed to get back to work, but I didn’t know what to do with the beautiful yellow and green bird. I didn’t want to let her go just to be eaten by a hungry cat. I asked around about a bird cage, but no one had an extra one. So I decided to go door-to-door to find the owner. I felt like a pirate with a parakeet on my shoulder knocking on doors. I subdued my desire to hurl “Aye, matey” when the doors opened to me. After visiting two houses, the bird bolted into the air through the branches. I was surprised how high she could fly after spending most of its life in a cage.

My nap yesterday was full of yellow and green blurs as the little bird tried to lead me to her home. And she COULD understand me after all.

My afternoon was enriched by the presence of a little bird. That distracted me.

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