Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Sometimes I long for a name

like Rebecca or Katherine or Elizabeth

that would grow throughout my lifetime

But I can be none other than Sarah,

not Becky or Kate or Liz.

Then I look to my namesake,

    Laughing in Doubt


    Laughing in Joy

All the world blessed through the tiny seed buried

deep within her fallow soil.

Tainted by salted tears


    Rinsing away all hope

So she laughed.

Its echo resounds throughout the centuries

And pierces my heart.

Its flesh bleeds by the identical saber of doubt.

And though Sarah planted an indestructible weed,

God brought forth her seed as an unyielding oak.

Overwhelmed by joy, she burst into delight

Once Again.

Naming her promised son Isaac: 'Laughter.'

My wound knits whole by the salve of joy.

And I no longer long for a name.